Robert Seymour draws the fun and charming cartoons for his site, BirdBreath. He has created a number of unique characters, including Baldy, a bald eagle, Alley, an alligator, and Buzzi, a bee. There’s also Devin and Smarty, two best friends who just happen to be wild birds. These little wild birds helped inspire a very special […]

It’s a parrot’s life…!
Unless you are familiar with parrots, it often comes as a great surprise to find out how long-lived they are. People familiar with animals such as dogs and cats know that a 15 year old dog is something to talk about; but what about an 84 year old parrot? Holy longevity, Batman!* When a person […]

Iko’s 40 years
Parrots can — and do — live longer than any other companion animal.* Unfortunately, their lives are not always the best and, like yours or mine, can be fraught with hurtful experiences. The birds who are now in their thirties and forties (and above) perhaps even moreso, because they were very likely wild-caught birds, pulled […]

Lilly-Bean’s Road to Recovery
Lilly-Bean’s story, as told by her guardian, Kim Hannah: Lilly was bought and weaned from a breeder way too young (probably less than 6 months of age) and then fed mac and cheese and mashed potatoes as the staple part of her diet from the couple who bought her. They were just uneducated, as so many […]

There’s a hole in my wall!
Being so close to their wild ancestors creates unique problems with owning a parrot as a pet. Parrots are naturally “prey animals” (ie. predators eat them: parrots are “prey”) and as such flock together in large groups as protection against predators. Parrots have loud calls so that they can communicate with their flock, and to […]

Wallpaper removal services
Being so close to their wild ancestors creates unique problems with owning a parrot as a pet. Parrots are naturally “prey animals” (ie. predators eat them: parrots are “prey”) and as such flock together in large groups as protection against predators. Parrots have loud calls so that they can communicate with their flock, and to alert […]

Cockatoo renovations
Being so close to their wild ancestors creates unique problems with owning a parrot as a pet. Parrots are naturally “prey animals” (ie. predators eat them: parrots are “prey”) and as such flock together in large groups as protection against predators. Parrots have loud calls so that they can communicate with their flock, and to alert […]

Cockatoo bite
A parrot’s beak is an amazing instrument meant to be used to find the tasty and nutritious nuts inside extremely tough shells. It is a tool for climbing, preening, and protection. The force that a beak can exhibit to crack open these nuts is impressive.

Macaw in captivity
Parrots often resort to self-mutilation in captivity. Links for more information: No easy answers to feather-picking
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- Man Invented Cages (4)
- Nature's Nutcracker (1)
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- Parrot's Broken Heart (4)
- Parrot's Mash: Miscellaneous articles (1)
- Parrots Live a Long Time (2)
- Parrots Self-mutilate (5)
- Posters in Action (3)
ArgoFilm’s Parrot Confidential October 23, 2013
Parrots As Animal Assisted Therapy September 7, 2013
Vida Livre (Live Free) July 7, 2013
82 African Grey Parrots Rescued in Cameroon June 25, 2013
A Prayer for Sneakers March 21, 2013
Parrots As Animal Assisted Therapy September 7, 2013
Nuts! January 26, 2013
Cockatoo bite January 15, 2012
It’s a Parrot Mash-up! July 8, 2012
The unimpressed parrot July 13, 2012
Abigail Lang: I have used your recipes over the years for my par...
Barbara: Hi Cheryl, I know this post was a while ago. I ho...
Eberhardt Huhn: You should not clip the wings of any domesticated ...
Janet Trumbule: I pledge....
Patti: Thank you for explaining in detail and including f...
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