Tag Archives | Amazons

Vida Livre (Live Free)

I feel humans have a stewardship to protect this beautiful planet that gives us so very much – physically, emotionally and spiritually. -Kitty Harvill I first crossed virtual paths with Kitty Harvill when I discovered a wonderful new book which has been created to help educate children in Brazil about the endangered Brazilian Red-tailed Amazon […]

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Peas (and Beans) Add Protein for Parrots!

For this Parrot Poster about nutrition for parrots, I am very happy to introduce you to our guest blogger, Shauna Roberts. Shauna has graciously offered her expertise and experience with avian nutrition for the next few Parrot Posters. Today, she writes about why legumes are an important part of a parrot’s diet: Legumes are low […]

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It’s a parrot’s life…!

Unless you are familiar with parrots, it often comes as a great surprise to find out how long-lived they are. People familiar with animals such as dogs and cats know that a 15 year old dog is something to talk about; but what about an 84 year old parrot? Holy longevity, Batman!* When a person […]

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Interview with Dr. Sam Williams of Echo Bonaire

An excellent video about the work that is being done in Bonaire to help the parrots and parakeets there. The rescued parrots and parakeets, Sam and the Echo crew recently had the pleasure of a visit by Michael LaFortune of Arcturus Productions. He’s put together this wonderful movie of the birds we’re sure you will […]

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Yellow-shouldered Amazons

The charismatic Yellow-shouldered Amazon Parrot is considered vulnerable to the threat of extinction. There are only 800 remaining on Bonaire. While it does appear that the parrot population on Bonaire is increasing, 800 birds is still not very many, and other populations continue to struggle. Overall, the Yellow-shouldered Amazon Parrot still faces a serious extinction […]

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