Tag Archives | wild-caught parrots

ArgoFilm’s Parrot Confidential

It’s almost here! A year in the making, ArgoFilm’s documentary about wild and captive parrots will be making its debut Wednesday, November 13 on PBS. I am so excited about this! I first heard about the project back in September 2012. It was conceived by Connie English and Allison Argo, and I had the good […]

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82 African Grey Parrots Rescued in Cameroon

JUST IN: From Ainare Idoiaga, Limbe Wildlife Centre: On 16 June 2013, with no advanced notice, Limbe Wildlife Centre was brought a total of 82 African Grey Parrots (Psittacus erithacus) that were confiscated by Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF) officials from smugglers who issues are detected and addressed, and weight is taken. All parrots […]

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A Prayer for Sneakers

The following tribute touched my heart deeply and I requested permission to share. Once you read it, I know that you will understand why. To all the wild birds who have passed through our homes… On March 15, 2013, Marie Charon Crowley shared that her Sneakers had passed away. It turned out Sneakers was a […]

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