14 Wild African Grey Parrots Confiscated in Cameroon


I just received an email from Ainare at the Limbe Wildlife Centre in Cameroon who told me that just yesterday 14 wild-caught African Grey Parrots from Korup National Park were confiscated from a smuggler on his way to Nigeria.

Ainare writes, “At least, this time around, all of them arrived safely to the centre with no one dead on the transport and they are now in the stabilization period and we will have them fixed the feathers as soon as possible to start the rehabilitation process.”

Over the last few years, this primarily Primate rescue organization has taken on the care and rehabilitation of hundreds of wild-caught African Grey Parrots whose exportation has been intercepted (one such confiscation resulted in 503 parrots at once).

As of November 2012, LWC currently has these 14 new parrots, in addition to 37 remaining wild parrots from previous confiscations (these 37 parrots have had some problems with their  feathering and four had broken wings).

If you can help Limbe Wildlife Centre help these parrots, please make a donation here.


Meet a few of the 14 arrivals. Ainare writes: “These are some pictures of the 14 new arrivals in stabilization period. I will send you more as we work on them.”

NOTE: The  photos in this album are from previous confiscations between 2009 – 2011 (except for the four photos of the new arrivals). They are from LWC’s website here.


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  1. Limbe Wildlife Centre’s African Grey Parrot Poster | For Parrots: Posters for Parrot Advocates - February 15, 2013

    […] I have received an update from Ainare about the 14 parrots which Limbe Wildlife Centre rescued back in November 2012. The birds were confiscated from a smuggler on his way to Nigeria and are currently being rehabbed at LWC . Ultimately, they will be released back into the wild. You can read the full story on For Parrots and see photos here. […]

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