Tag Archives | Cameroon

Limbe Wildlife Centre’s African Grey Parrot Poster

I have received an update from Ainare about the 14 parrots which Limbe Wildlife Centre rescued back in November 2012. The birds were confiscated from a smuggler on his way to Nigeria and are currently being rehabbed at LWC . Ultimately, they will be released back into the wild. You can read the full story on For […]

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14 Wild African Grey Parrots Confiscated in Cameroon

  I just received an email from Ainare at the Limbe Wildlife Centre in Cameroon who told me that just yesterday 14 wild-caught African Grey Parrots from Korup National Park were confiscated from a smuggler on his way to Nigeria. Ainare writes, “At least, this time around, all of them arrived safely to the centre […]

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