JUST IN: From Ainare Idoiaga, Limbe Wildlife Centre: On 16 June 2013, with no advanced notice, Limbe Wildlife Centre was brought a total of 82 African Grey Parrots (Psittacus erithacus) that were confiscated by Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF) officials from smugglers who issues are detected and addressed, and weight is taken. All parrots […]

Limbe Wildlife Centre’s African Grey Parrot Poster
I have received an update from Ainare about the 14 parrots which Limbe Wildlife Centre rescued back in November 2012. The birds were confiscated from a smuggler on his way to Nigeria and are currently being rehabbed at LWC . Ultimately, they will be released back into the wild. You can read the full story on For […]

UPDATE January 26, 2013: I have altered the poster (removed the fish reference) after a message from New Life Parrot Rescue: Hemp seed is also another great essential fatty acids. We wouldn’t advocate feeding parrots fish due to pollutants in our waters and the fact that most parrots are essentially vegan and get their EFAs through […]

14 Wild African Grey Parrots Confiscated in Cameroon
I just received an email from Ainare at the Limbe Wildlife Centre in Cameroon who told me that just yesterday 14 wild-caught African Grey Parrots from Korup National Park were confiscated from a smuggler on his way to Nigeria. Ainare writes, “At least, this time around, all of them arrived safely to the centre […]

Bandanas Promoting (Parrot) Conservation in DR Congo
In the wake of the unfortunate ruling by CITES declaring that 3000 African Grey Parrots can still be legally removed from their West African forests and exported each year – despite the overwhelming support shown to the World Parrot Trust’s petition (over 41,000 signatories) to end all trade in grey parrots from Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo […]

Parrots just “wanna go tree.”
An important interview with Dr. Steve Boyes and the work he is doing to save the African Grey Parrot from extinction. According to the video: 20% of the global African Grey Parrot population is being removed from the wild each year and put into breeding mills to produce parrots for the pet trade. 2 – […]

Iko’s 40 years
Parrots can — and do — live longer than any other companion animal.* Unfortunately, their lives are not always the best and, like yours or mine, can be fraught with hurtful experiences. The birds who are now in their thirties and forties (and above) perhaps even moreso, because they were very likely wild-caught birds, pulled […]

African Grey Parrot in a cage
The African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus), also known as the Grey Parrot, is a medium-sized parrot found in the primary and secondary rainforest of West and Central Africa. Experts regard it as one of the most intelligent birds. They feed primarily on palm nuts, seeds, fruits, leafy matter, but have been observed eating snails. Their […]

Congo African Grey Parrots
The African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus), also known as the Grey Parrot, is a medium-sized parrot found in the primary and secondary rainforest of West and Central Africa. Experts regard it as one of the most intelligent birds. They feed primarily on palm nuts, seeds, fruits, leafy matter, but have been observed eating snails. Their […]
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How to use the posters
Help the WPT Save Africa’s Parrots
- Adopt, don't shop! (1)
- Be a Parrot's Chef (8)
- For Kids (3)
- It's a Jungle in here! (3)
- Man Invented Cages (4)
- Nature's Nutcracker (1)
- News from the front (17)
- Parrot Poaching (1)
- Parrot's Broken Heart (4)
- Parrot's Mash: Miscellaneous articles (1)
- Parrots Live a Long Time (2)
- Parrots Self-mutilate (5)
- Posters in Action (3)
ArgoFilm’s Parrot Confidential October 23, 2013
Parrots As Animal Assisted Therapy September 7, 2013
Vida Livre (Live Free) July 7, 2013
82 African Grey Parrots Rescued in Cameroon June 25, 2013
A Prayer for Sneakers March 21, 2013
Parrots As Animal Assisted Therapy September 7, 2013
Nuts! January 26, 2013
Cockatoo bite January 15, 2012
It’s a Parrot Mash-up! July 8, 2012
The unimpressed parrot July 13, 2012
Abigail Lang: I have used your recipes over the years for my par...
Barbara: Hi Cheryl, I know this post was a while ago. I ho...
Eberhardt Huhn: You should not clip the wings of any domesticated ...
Janet Trumbule: I pledge....
Patti: Thank you for explaining in detail and including f...
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