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There’s a hole in my wall!

Being so close to their wild ancestors creates unique problems with owning a parrot as a pet. Parrots are naturally “prey animals” (ie. predators eat them: parrots are “prey”) and as such flock together in large groups as protection against predators. Parrots have loud calls so that they can communicate with their flock, and to […]

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Wallpaper removal services

Being so close to their wild ancestors creates unique problems with owning a parrot as a pet. Parrots are naturally “prey animals” (ie. predators eat them: parrots are “prey”) and as such flock together in large groups as protection against predators. Parrots have loud calls so that they can communicate with their flock, and to alert […]

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Cockatoo renovations

Being so close to their wild ancestors creates unique problems with owning a parrot as a pet. Parrots are naturally “prey animals” (ie. predators eat them: parrots are “prey”) and as such flock together in large groups as protection against predators. Parrots have loud calls so that they can communicate with their flock, and to alert […]

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