About Cheryl

Author Archive | Cheryl

ArgoFilm’s Parrot Confidential

It’s almost here! A year in the making, ArgoFilm’s documentary about wild and captive parrots will be making its debut Wednesday, November 13 on PBS. I am so excited about this! I first heard about the project back in September 2012. It was conceived by Connie English and Allison Argo, and I had the good […]

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Parrots As Animal Assisted Therapy

I received an email from a woman interested in writing a guest post on For Parrots. I asked her what she had in mind and she suggested a few topics, one of which was Animal Assisted Therapy as it relates to parrots. This sounded great, and I agreed because I felt it was a wonderful […]

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Vida Livre (Live Free)

I feel humans have a stewardship to protect this beautiful planet that gives us so very much – physically, emotionally and spiritually. -Kitty Harvill I first crossed virtual paths with Kitty Harvill when I discovered a wonderful new book which has been created to help educate children in Brazil about the endangered Brazilian Red-tailed Amazon […]

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82 African Grey Parrots Rescued in Cameroon

JUST IN: From Ainare Idoiaga, Limbe Wildlife Centre: On 16 June 2013, with no advanced notice, Limbe Wildlife Centre was brought a total of 82 African Grey Parrots (Psittacus erithacus) that were confiscated by Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF) officials from smugglers who issues are detected and addressed, and weight is taken. All parrots […]

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A Prayer for Sneakers

The following tribute touched my heart deeply and I requested permission to share. Once you read it, I know that you will understand why. To all the wild birds who have passed through our homes… On March 15, 2013, Marie Charon Crowley shared that her Sneakers had passed away. It turned out Sneakers was a […]

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Shauna’s Mash

From guest blogger Shauna Roberts: Mash is a mixture of legumes, grains, vegetables and some fruit and first became known in the ’70s by breeder John Stoodley. Since that time it evolved into a few well known recipes in the early ’90s such as Alicia McWatter’s and today is basically a whole food diet. “Whole […]

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Limbe Wildlife Centre’s African Grey Parrot Poster

I have received an update from Ainare about the 14 parrots which Limbe Wildlife Centre rescued back in November 2012. The birds were confiscated from a smuggler on his way to Nigeria and are currently being rehabbed at LWC . Ultimately, they will be released back into the wild. You can read the full story on For […]

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Water: Simply Perfect

Today’s post by guest blogger Shauna Roberts (FeedingFeathers) is all about water. Some things might seem complicated when it comes to nutrition for parrots, but when it come to water, simple and basic is best! Water makes up a large percentage of body weight and is critical for life. Once in the body water becomes […]

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UPDATE January 26, 2013: I have altered the poster (removed the fish reference) after a message from New Life Parrot Rescue: Hemp seed is also another great essential fatty acids. We wouldn’t advocate feeding parrots fish due to pollutants in our waters and the fact that most parrots are essentially vegan and get their EFAs through […]

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Calcium is Key

In captive pet birds, disorders of calcium metabolism … are common, ranging from osteodystrophy in young birds (due in part to the greater calcium requirement in young growing birds) to hypocalcemic seizures and egg binding in adults. Although African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) are considered to be especially susceptible to disorders of calcium metabolism, problems have been reported in a variety of […]

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